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Europa Gitte, Soul Connector, Life Master, Evolutionary Midwife

Evolutionary Midwife - Soul Connector - Student of Love

Reiki Master - Crystal Adept
Teacher - Speaker - Artist - Dancer - Dreamer

Healing Energy Blogs

The Connection of the Inner Child to the Higher Self

The Inner Child and the Higher Self

May 5, 2021

I grew up knowing exactly who I was going to be. My Mother had a clothing store in a little town in the center of Germany and I, her first born daughter, was going to take it over. All my upbringing there was never a question about that.

I remember an assignment in school where we were asked to write our dreams for the future and what we would like to be. I always loved to write and never was short for words. That assignment was hard for me. I knew what I was going to be. I just made up some details of what I thought would fit that description.
As I grew up I recognized that this life that was planned for me felt restricting and heavy. My Mom knew it as well. I remember her looking at me and telling me "Child, you are not made for this town." Not that it ever occurred to her to change her mind.

And yet, for as long as I can remember, I always had a very rich inner life that was very different. Something I have never really shared with anyone. Throughout my childhood into adolescence, I had this very complex world constructed for myself in which I was helping people to make peace within themselves, with each other and with the world.

While my voice in my physical world was quite restricted and kept down, in my dream world I had a voice that was heard and valued.

Then I met who would become my husband of 30 years and my childhood dreams faded. With his support I found the courage to tell my mother that her plans for me were not what I wanted and started living my own life. We moved to another continent and still, my life was mostly about building businesses and making a living. I had forgotten about my childhood world.

About 14 years ago that life started to unravel. I had no clue then, but now I know that my higher self was being activated. It was time for me.

And as everything I knew was falling apart around me, I felt a strong urge to learn more about spirit, energy, mysticism. It took some years before I realized that my journey in the last 14 years is the world where my inner child took me. Different but so much the same. As the full recognition built, it has come full circle. My willful, stubborn, awkward child can look at my Now adult and feel the joy of what I am evolving into. The cheerful, ever optimistic adult that is Now feels deep gratitude to the child for keeping alive the dream of embodying love and all it contains within this earth realm. The Path into the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Love.

It is my belief that as we are born, we are still fully connected to the oneness that exists within the universe/spirit. We know why we come here, why we chose our families and who we are. As we ground ourselves into the earth, into the human body, we have to cut off some of this higher information. As the higher self, we know who we are. We know that all is love and love is all there is. And we know that this human body of ours and the earth realm can only hold so much of this light data. To fully experience the earth, we ground into the slower vibrational frequencies of solid matter so we can live that human life.

It was one of my early teachers who asked me to remember my childhood dreams. She taught me that they were a clue as to what I fully embody as a universal being. That was when it started to click for me. The "fantasies" of a my childhood felt more like echos of the knowledge that I had to leave behind. Of the plans that my universal being made before coming into this earthly existence. I began to more consciously live the life my higher self had intended to live.
Learning the tools that the child never possessed allows me to flow though challenges and joys. My inner child and my higher self continue to work together to further build what I believe I am capable of.

I invite you to look at your childhood dreams about yourself. Your inner child that still is playful, excited, present, eager to learn, to grow and to live fully. It so very much connects you back to your higher self that knows that it is always about loving life. That life is love. And love is synonymous with life. And living it will open you up to the higher vibrational frequencies that connect you back to all you are.

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Europa Gitte

(760) 880 0055

P.O. Box 684
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Youtube Video - Healers I Know - Europa Gitte 2013 Reiki Master Teachers Holly Ray Wind and Europa Gitte 2017

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